
What is the difference between common stocks and preferred stocks?

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People interested in investing in publicly traded firms can do so easily by purchasing stock on the open market. Stock, in general, provides the investor with a fractional ownership stake in the company.

This method has been a source of finance that has helped firms prosper for many years. The proceeds from stock sales are used to fund expansion, pay down debt, or expand R&D. While there are other funding possibilities, such as issuing bonds, stocks offer an opportunity for everyone who wants to invest to profit.

There are, however, various types of stocks. While most investors buy and sell common stock, preferred stock is also available.

Understanding the difference between common stocks and preferred stocks is a must for any investor looking to expand their understanding of the many types of shares available in the market.

This article delves into the intricacies of common stock vs. preferred stock, providing a complete comparison to assist investors in making informed decisions. Understanding the major differences between common and preferred stocks can provide vital insights to maximise your investment strategy, whether you’re a newbie investor or an experienced investor trying to diversify your portfolio.

What are common stocks?

Common stocks are the most common sort of shares purchased by investors when they purchase equity in a firm. As a common shareholder, you essentially become a partial owner of the company, with the proportion of ownership matching the number of shares you have. The voting rights that come with common shares allow shareholders to participate in electing the company’s board of directors and influencing corporate policy, which is a fundamental difference in the common stock vs preferred stock dispute.

These stocks also entitle holders to dividends, which are a percentage of the company’s profits distributed to shareholders. These pay-outs, however, are not guaranteed and are subject to the company’s financial success. While common stocks have the potential for big gains, they also carry more risk and are last in line for claims on assets in the event of a firm liquidation.



There is no limit to how high the share price can rise.

Capital gains taxes are postponed until the stock is sold.

Voting privileges are granted.



Increased pricing volatility

No dividends may be received.

Dividends are paid out first to preferred shares and then to common shares.


What are preferred stocks?

Preferred stocks, also known as preference shares, provide stockholders with a unique set of rewards and hazards. These shares often provide a fixed dividend, providing investors with a consistent income stream. Preference shareholders, unlike common shareholders, have a greater claim on the company’s earnings and assets. This means that preferred shareholders get paid before common shareholders in the event of dividend distribution or firm liquidation. However, unlike common stocks, preferred stocks often lack voting rights, which means that stockholders cannot influence the company’s actions or elect its board of directors. In terms of benefits and conditions, several forms of preferred stocks, such as cumulative, non-cumulative, redeemable, and convertible preference shares, offer further variants.



Receives a fixed dividend, which is frequently greater than common stock payouts.

Less possibility of value loss

Has precedence over common stock in terms of payout in a liquidation and earning dividends.



In general, share price growth is limited to the redemption value.

Does not provide voting rights frequently.


What are the steps to buy or sell preferred and common stocks?

  • Open a Demat Account: To begin, open a Demat account with a registered broker or financial institution. This is a sort of account that stores shares electronically.
  • Complete KYC Process: Complete the KYC (Know Your Customer) process, which requires you to provide personal identity documents.
  • Research: Conduct extensive research on the firm whose shares you desire to purchase. Examine the company’s financial health, potential for growth, management, and market conditions
  • Choose between Common Stock and Preferred Stock: Choose between common stock and preferred stock based on your investing objectives, risk tolerance, and time horizon.
  • Place an Order: Place an order with your broker after deciding on the type of stock and the number of shares to purchase. A market order (buy at the current price) or a limit order (purchase at a specific price) can be placed.
  • Monitor Your Investment: Following a purchase, evaluate your investment frequently and make adjustments based on market conditions and changes in your financial goals.


Which stocks should I prefer: common stocks or preferred stocks?

 Common stocks may be a better alternative if you want potentially big returns and are willing to accept more risk. Moreover, common stocks allow voting rights if you want to have a part in the company’s decision-making process.

In case, you desire a steady income with less risk, preferred stocks may be a better option because they pay out regular dividends. Preferred stocks are safer in the event of a company’s liquidation since they have a first claim on the company’s assets.


In the world of finance, the words common stock and preferred stock are commonly used by both investors and brokers.  Both common stock and preferred stock have various advantages and meet the demands of different investors. While ordinary stock offers greater growth potential and voting rights, preferred stock provides more consistent returns as well as priority in dividend payouts and liquidation. When deciding between ordinary stock and preferred stock, it’s critical to consider your investment goals, risk tolerance, and financial needs.

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