Research 1


Equity Research is the backbone for outperformance in financial services products over a period of time. SMIFS Limited is among the originator of research based investment practices in India since the last three decades.

A testimony to the quality of our fundamental and technical analysis of stocks is the fact that we continue to nurture one of the largest pool of leading global FII’s clients since the last two and half decades, whose criteria had always been top quality research. Association of marquee names in the investment world with SMIFS Limited decades back, was based on the strong research foundation of the company.

We believe long term wealth creation is a result of dedicated research across various underlying factors which include fundamental analysis along with technical analysis of the stock market. We study the global and domestic socio-economic and political factors, commodity trends, price trends to have a clear idea on the macro developments. For micro study, we read the annual reports, company’s offer documents, conference calls, interact with management and do plant and site visits and above all, always check the governance standards of the management. We have several quantitative and qualitative checks on a company before we recommend them for investments or present them in any of our share market research reports.


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    Research Philosophy

    Beginning with the entire universe of shares, the stock selection process undergoes several stringent filters. The bottom up approach includes extensive research on macro & micro factors, industry/sector fundamentals & trends and a thorough competitive analysis, Assessment of individual industry / stocks through a mix of quantitative and qualitative techniques



    Return on equity, Return on capital, margin on sales, market capitalization, floating stock, liquidity, price/earnings, price/book, PEG, dividend yields, GARP, replacement costs,



    Track record of the company, quality of financial information, background of promoter/group, industry demand, global market, market share, competitiveness, prudence in financial and accounting policies, compliance culture, Insiders Activity and promoters Pledge

    Technical & Derivative

    Technical Research is important to understand the price direction of the market and stocks, commodity and currency based on the prevailing sentiments, demand and supply with time. SMIFS Limited caters technical research support to traders and investors on a daily and periodical basis.



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