value stocks

Intelligent Value Stocks Portfolios For You

Invest in pre-packaged stock portfolios in an instant. This unique offering is suitable for any individual who are looking to capitalize on the potential of Indian markets but do not have the necessary expertise, time or resources to do so.

Features of Value Stocks

  • Requires just a minimum investment of Rs 3 lakhs.
  • Simple Entry and exit without Any Lock-Ins with Quarterly Rebalancing Reports
  • The value stocks are well-curated by top-class SEBI-registered research analysts.
  • Get company dividends and corporate benefits straight into your account.
  • Bottom-up approach covering data mining.
  • Investments are tracked 24/7, with active and stringent monitoring for shifts in earnings and quality prospects.


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    Intelligent Value Stocks Portfolios For You

    Small Cap High Growth Low Valuation Strategy
    Blue Chip High Growth Low Valuation Strategy
    Emerging Stocks High Growth Low Valuation Strategy
    PSU Stocks High Growth Low Valuation Strategy

    Benefits of Value Stocks Portfolio

    • One Tap Portfolio Rebalancing
    • Only a minimal investment of Rs. 3 Lacs!
    • Investment Top-Up Facility Available
    • Stocks handpicked by SEBI-registered research analysts for long-term wealth creation.
    • Receive Dividends and Corporate Benefits Straight into Your Account.
    • Simple Entry and exit without Any Lock-Ins with Quarterly Rebalancing Reports.
    • 24*7 tracking of investments with active & strict monitoring for changes in earnings & quality outlook.
    • Data mining using a Bottom-Up approach.

    Trusted By 20000+ Clients from 150+ Cities in India

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    Frequently Asked Questions ( FAQ’s)

    What is the minimum or maximum amount?

    The minimum amount to start investing the stock basket is 3 Lakhs. There is no maximum amount limit. But Minimum top up should be Rs. 2Lcs or above.

    Should the amount be in my savings account or with SMIFS?

    The amount should be with SMIFS itself so that you can invest in the stock basket.

    Will I need to submit eNACH mandate for this?

    Yes, eNACH mandate needs to be submitted so that the management fee can be debited directly from bank account.

    What is the fee? How will it be charged?

    The fee is 2.5% p.a. It will be charged upfront on pro rata basis, quarterly.

    What if I am not invested for the entire quarter?

    Then the fee will be charged on pro rata based on the number of days you were invested in the basket.

    Can I see the stocks before I invest my capital?

    No, you can see the stocks only when you invest.

    Can I see the stocks in my DP?

    Yes, The stocks will be visible in your DP, With SMIFS.

    How will I be able to track the performance of stock basket in my portfolio?

    To see the performance of stocks in your portfolio linked to the stock basket, you need to login into your value stocks account.

    Is there a lock-in period?

    No, there is no lock-in period. However, it is advised to stay invested for minimum 1 year & Above to get better results.

    How can I activate the stock basket feature?

    For now, if you want to activate stock basket feature, then you need to send a mail at Later on, you can directly visit the value stocks website to invest in stock basket by logging into SMIFS Website.

    Can it be activated through ODIN?

    No, you have to login to SMIFS Website to invest in Value Stock Portfolio basket.

    Can I do some profit booking or partial exit?

    No, you can need the sell the entire portfolio by logging into your A/C to redeem your stocks. Partial redemption or profit booking is not feasible, As of Now.

    Can some chosen stocks which are not in the basket be bought?

    The basket scripts are pre-defined with weightage, hence you cannot invest in stocks of your choice.

    When is the stock basket rebalanced?

    The stock basket is rebalanced on a quarterly basis.

    Are there any exit charges?

    No, there are no exit charges.

    How much brokerage is charged for this?

    The brokerage charged will be based on your current tariff plan with SMIFS.

    Is one-time investment enough and can one do regular investments in it?

    The first time minimum investment is 3 lakhs. After that, the minimum amount which can be invested as top up is 2 lakhs.

    How is it different from Investment Advisory Product?

    There is no difference, it is an Investment Product, through Stock Advisory.

    How frequently is the factsheet updated?

    The factsheet is updated after rebalancing on a quarterly basis.

    Can these shares be pledged?

    It is strongly advised and emphasized that the securities under value stock investment should not be ideally be pledged as margin pledge.

    Can I check which stocks are from the stock basket in Depository?

    No, such a feature is not yet available.

    What will happen if I sell a stock by mistake? Is there any penalty?

    No there is no penalty on selling a stock. If you sell a stock, then the return shown will be factored in that transaction and can differ from the actual return of the basket.

    Who decides the entry and exit of stocks?

    The stocks and their weightage along with their entry and exit time is decided by the Value Stocks Research team.

    Is MTF available for stock basket?

    Since this is a delivery based product, MTF is not available for this.

    Can I change the weightage of stocks?

    The weightage of the stocks is fixed and can change during rebalancing. You cannot change the weightage from your end.

    How will the stock basket get rebalanced?

    If you are an investor in the stock basket, then on the day of rebalance you will receive an email of the new rebalance with a link. Click on the link to open the page and click on “Rebalance” to re align your basket, if you want to rebalance.

    Is it approved by SEBI?

    Absolutely yes.

    Is back tested data available?

    Yes, it is available. To access the back tested data please drop a mail requesting the same at